Perl RPM Requires/Provides

Emmanuel Seyman emmanuel.seyman at
Fri Oct 16 21:24:59 UTC 2009

* Dave Cross [16/10/2009 22:04] :
> As I understand it, the current version of rpmbuild works generates the  
> Requires and Provides definitions for an RPM by parsing the Perl code  
> and working out which modules are used (for Requires) or defined (for  
> Provides).

Correct. Actually, it's not "the current version", it's been that way
for quite some time.

> Also, is there a way to provide my own replacement for these files  
> without just overwriting them. I'd rather not fiddle directly with  
> system supplied code.

You can actually disable this behaviour by adding one of the following

AutoReqProv: no
AutoReq:     no
AutoProv:    no

in your spec files. You can then use the Requires and Provides tags to
provide the ones of your choice.

Note that there's only the option of selectively removing the
automatically found values:


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