Perl 5.14

Iain Arnell iarnell at
Wed Jun 8 16:01:07 UTC 2011

2011/6/8 Marcela Mašláňová <mmaslano at>:
> I built 5.14.0 in dist-f16-perl. We'd like to start rebuilt in this
> branch tomorrow after we polish our script. Warning will be sent to
> fedora-devel.

I still worry about the problems with koji merging the branched builds
back into dist-rawhide. Last I saw, koji still considers
chronologically newer builds to be "newer" than builds with higher
e:n-v-r - this caused a few issues with the 5.12 rebuild.

It may be an idea to minimize time spent on the dist-f16-perl branch
by only rebuilding arch-specific packages there, tagging the builds
back to dist-rawhide, then rebuilding the remaining noarch packages in
dist-rawhide itself.


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