[perl-DateTime-Format-Flexible] 0.21 bump

Petr Pisar ppisar at fedoraproject.org
Wed Jan 25 14:08:55 UTC 2012

commit 251d6bc73efd08988396bcad6d7cf3a0afbdfc5f
Author: Petr Písař <ppisar at redhat.com>
Date:   Wed Jan 25 15:04:26 2012 +0100

    0.21 bump

 .gitignore                         |    1 +
 perl-DateTime-Format-Flexible.spec |   64 ++++++++++++++++-------------------
 sources                            |    2 +-
 3 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 8a4c5db..46a82bc 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/perl-DateTime-Format-Flexible.spec b/perl-DateTime-Format-Flexible.spec
index 518960d..022ec37 100644
--- a/perl-DateTime-Format-Flexible.spec
+++ b/perl-DateTime-Format-Flexible.spec
@@ -1,42 +1,40 @@
 Name:       perl-DateTime-Format-Flexible
-Version:    0.15
-Release:    6%{?dist}
-# see LICENSE
+Version:    0.21
+Release:    1%{?dist}
+# See <https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=74358>
 License:    GPL+ or Artistic
 Group:      Development/Libraries
 Summary:    Flexibly parse strings and turn them into DateTime objects
 Source:     http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/T/TH/THINC/DateTime-Format-Flexible-%{version}.tar.gz
 Url:        http://search.cpan.org/dist/DateTime-Format-Flexible
-BuildRoot:  %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
-Requires:   perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "`%{__perl} -V:version`"; echo $version))
 BuildArch:  noarch
-BuildRequires: perl(Class::ISA)
-BuildRequires: perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)
-BuildRequires: perl(DateTime)
-BuildRequires: perl(DateTime::Format::Builder) >= 0.74
-BuildRequires: perl(Readonly) >= 0.06
-BuildRequires: perl(Test::Simple) >= 0.44
-BuildRequires: perl(Test::More)
-BuildRequires: perl(File::Spec::Functions)
-# optional tests...
-BuildRequires: perl(Test::Pod)
-BuildRequires: perl(Test::Pod::Coverage)
-### auto-added brs!
+BuildRequires:  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker)
+# Run-time
+BuildRequires:  perl(base)
+BuildRequires:  perl(Carp)
+BuildRequires:  perl(DateTime)
+BuildRequires:  perl(DateTime::Format::Builder) >= 0.74
+BuildRequires:  perl(DateTime::Infinite)
 BuildRequires:  perl(DateTime::TimeZone)
+BuildRequires:  perl(List::MoreUtils)
+BuildRequires:  perl(Module::Pluggable)
+# Tests only
+BuildRequires:  perl(File::Spec::Functions)
+BuildRequires:  perl(Test::MockTime)
+BuildRequires:  perl(Test::More)
+# Optional tests
+BuildRequires:  perl(Test::Pod) >= 1.14
+BuildRequires:  perl(Test::Pod::Coverage) >= 1.04
+Requires:       perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "`%{__perl} -V:version`"; echo $version))
-If you have ever had to use a program that made you type in the date a
-certain way and thought "Why can't the computer just figure out what date I
-wanted?", this module is for you.
+If you have ever had to use a program that made you type in the date a certain
+way and thought "Why can't the computer just figure out what date I wanted?",
+this module is for you.
-DateTime::Format::Flexible attempts to take any string you give it and
-parse it into a DateTime object.
-The test file tests 2500+ variations of date/time strings. If you can think
-of any that I do not cover, please let me know.
+DateTime::Format::Flexible attempts to take any string you give it and parse
+it into a DateTime object.
 %setup -q -n DateTime-Format-Flexible-%{version}
@@ -46,27 +44,23 @@ of any that I do not cover, please let me know.
 make %{?_smp_mflags}
-rm -rf %{buildroot}
 make pure_install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
 find %{buildroot} -type f -name .packlist -exec rm -f {} ';'
 find %{buildroot} -depth -type d -exec rmdir {} 2>/dev/null ';'
 %{_fixperms} %{buildroot}/*
 TEST_POD=1 make test
-rm -rf %{buildroot}
-%doc LICENSE README Changes example/
+%doc Changes example/ LICENSE README TODO
+* Wed Jan 25 2012 Petr Pisar <ppisar at redhat.com> - 0.21-1
+- 0.21 bump
 * Fri Jan 13 2012 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng at lists.fedoraproject.org> - 0.15-6
 - Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild
diff --git a/sources b/sources
index 673f8f0..c71f319 100644
--- a/sources
+++ b/sources
@@ -1 +1 @@
-4869f7f1fbef588d5c778e0b345e3742  DateTime-Format-Flexible-0.15.tar.gz
+513c033bb61f2c9bbf581da99e650f76  DateTime-Format-Flexible-0.21.tar.gz

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