Bundled Flash

Jon Ciesla limburgher at gmail.com
Fri Aug 16 13:12:01 UTC 2013

On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 3:45 PM, T.C. Hollingsworth <
tchollingsworth at gmail.com> wrote:

> It's come to my attention that a number of packages contain Flash (.swf)
> files,
> but absolutely none of them have BuildRequires on a free software Flash
> toolchain, nor do any of them seem to be shipping the source for these
> files.
> :-(
> limb gallery2
> limb moodle
> limb roundcubemail

I just fixed these and gallery3, no need to file BZs, unless you'd like to
for tracking.  Additional testers welcome!


in your fear, seek only peace
in your fear, seek only love

-d. bowie

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