[perl-Text-ExtractWords] (9 commits) ...Upload the sources

Mathieu Bridon bochecha at fedoraproject.org
Wed Feb 6 05:25:10 UTC 2013

Summary of changes:

  051d29b... Initial setup of the pre-review repo
  a7678f2... Initial package for Fedora
  37d452b... Replace usage of the %{_perl} macro by the plain perl comma
  37eddc1... Use DESTDIR instead of PERL_INSTALL_ROOT
  8130727... Tweak the Summary and %description
  dc44304... Drop unneeded BR on the 'vars' pragma
  0e67ebf... New submission for Fedora
  b0b7480... The package was approved in Fedora
  38b9cb8... Upload the sources

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