perl_default_filter macro changes

Petr Pisar ppisar at
Tue Oct 22 11:22:16 UTC 2013

Hello Perl packagers,

I've just changed `perl_default_filter' SPEC macro in Fedora 21, which many of
you use in your packages.

There are three changes:

(1) I have removed filtering non-system shared libraries because this is now
done by rpmbuild itself. See
<> for more details.

(2) I've anchored the regular expressions to the beginning of a text. E.g.
/perl\(VMS/ changed to /^perl\(VMS/. This should make the filter more precise.

(3) The perl_default_filter appends the filters instead of replacing them now.
So you can use use perl_default_filter macro with other macros modyfing
__requires_exclude and similar symbols and in any order now. This will be
handy if your package builds more langague bindings and you would like to
apply all the filters specific for each language.

I did some tests, so I believe this change should not cause any harm.

-- Petr
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