[Fedora-packaging] Building a non functional package just to remove dependency mess

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at gmail.com
Wed May 14 14:38:45 UTC 2014

On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 01:08:51PM +0200, Miro HronĨok wrote:
> Hi,
> perl-Language-Expr FTBFS in rawhide and F20 (since F20 was rawhide).
> There is some crazy stuff in Perl itself that prevents
> perl-Regexp-Grammars to work properly and perl-Language-Expr cannot work
> without proper perl-Regexp-Grammars.
> This leads to perl-Language-Expr in F20 being from F19 and having
> unresolved dependencies on perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_5.16.2).
>  * It makes mess when updating F19 to F20
>  * It emails me on daily basic
>  * I cannot fix it
> However, new version of upstream Language::Expr is out, that disables
> tests, while still not being functional. I would like to update
> perl-Language-Expr in F20 and rawhide. That would lead to:
>  * No more mess
>  * No more email for me
>  * Nonfunctional package in Fedora
> While I believe that nonfunctional package is a bad think, I believe
> that anything is better than the situation now.
> Any thoughts?
It sounds like this would just hide the issues from you.  If it's
nonfunctional, why not retire perl-Language-Expr instead?


> Links:
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=992666
> perl-Language-Expr: FTBFS in rawhide
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=997835
> perl-Language-Expr-0.23 is available
> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1009919
> perl-5.18: Regexp::Grammars does not work due to bug in perl
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