Orphaned packages

Iain Arnell iarnell at gmail.com
Tue Nov 11 01:52:38 UTC 2014

Hi Emmanuel (and everyone else).

Yeah, I've been expecting it for a while. I've been a pretty useless
maintainer the last few years. Thank you to everyone for picking up the
slack where needed and for giving these packages new homes. Many were
inherited from Chris after the last mega orphaning; I hope they're not
jinxed. Neither you, nor Petr, are allowed any major lifestyle changes now:
no moving house, changing jobs, marrying, or having kids :-)

I'm expecting to move again in the next year or so, and will be looking to
work in something Perl and/or Linux related again (with a much shorter
commute and less snow, too), so hope to be a more productive contributor in
On 10 Nov 2014 08:43, "Emmanuel Seyman" <emmanuel at seyman.fr> wrote:

> Hi, Ian.
> As you've probably seen for the hundreds of mails you've been getting these
> past days, your packages have all been orphaned. I've taken most of the web
> related ones and Petr Sabata has taken most of the others.
> Updates are being pushed out to rawhide right now and I promise to take
> care of these as best I can.
> Emmanuel

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