Announcing Tangerine

Petr Ĺ abata contyk at
Thu Oct 16 11:39:51 UTC 2014

On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 11:02:09AM +0100, Paul Howarth wrote:
> A handy feature to have would be to be able to compare two directories (or
> better still, tarballs) and see where there are usage changes in any file,
> ignoring line numbers. That would help when doing package updates.
> Paul.

I usually check the diff on (or just run "tangerine
Makefile.PL lib/ t/" if it's a long time neglected package) but
I can see how this could be more comfortable.  I'll think about it.

Thanks for the suggestion.

By the way, I released v0.10 yesterday:

Fedora updates coming soon :)

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