psabata pushed to perl-Module-Info (master). "0.37 bump (..more)"

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Thu Nov 12 12:40:20 UTC 2015

From 6056dd3c40dfd25c65b9e4df8dc5cdff96c8ba8b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Petr=20=C5=A0abata?= <contyk at>
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2015 13:40:11 +0100
Subject: 0.37 bump

- Modernize the spec, dropping el5 support
 ...Rename-parent-if-native-B-OP-parent-exist.patch | 78 ----------------------
 perl-Module-Info.spec                              | 75 +++++++++++----------
 sources                                            |  2 +-
 3 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 116 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 Module-Info-0.35-Rename-parent-if-native-B-OP-parent-exist.patch

diff --git a/Module-Info-0.35-Rename-parent-if-native-B-OP-parent-exist.patch b/Module-Info-0.35-Rename-parent-if-native-B-OP-parent-exist.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cac7bc..0000000
--- a/Module-Info-0.35-Rename-parent-if-native-B-OP-parent-exist.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-diff -up Module-Info-0.35/lib/B/ Module-Info-0.35/lib/B/
---- Module-Info-0.35/lib/B/	2015-05-07 14:06:49.010018343 +0200
-+++ Module-Info-0.35/lib/B/	2015-05-07 15:12:50.820650940 +0200
-@@ -212,8 +212,17 @@ In the future, it may be possible to sea
- C<next> pointers in place, but it'll take me a while to figure out how to do
- that.
-+Warning: Since 5.21.2 B comes with it's own version of B::OP::parent
-+which returns either B::NULL or the real parent when ccflags contains
-+In this case rather use $op->_parent.
- =cut
-+  unless ($] >= 5.021002 and exists &B::OP::parent) {
-+    eval q[
- sub B::OP::parent {
-     my $target = shift;
-     printf( "parent %s %s=(0x%07x)\n",
-@@ -254,6 +263,56 @@ sub B::OP::parent {
-    my $start = $target;
-    $result = $search->($start) and return $result while $start = $start->next;
-    return $search->($start);
-+  } else {
-+    eval q[
-+sub B::OP::_parent {
-+    my $target = shift;
-+    printf( "parent %s %s=(0x%07x)\n",
-+	    B::class( $target),
-+	    $target->oldname,
-+	    $$target )
-+	if $DEBUG;
-+    die "I'm not sure how to do this yet. I'm sure there is a way. If you know, please email me."
-+        if (!$target->seq);
-+    my (%deadend, $search_kids);
-+    $search_kids = sub {
-+        my $node = shift || return undef;
-+	printf( "Searching from %s %s=(0x%07x)\n",
-+		class($node)||'?',
-+		$node->oldname,
-+		$$node )
-+	    if $DEBUG;
-+        # Go up a level if we've got stuck, and search (for the same
-+        # $target) from a higher vantage point.
-+        return $search->($node->parent) if exists $deadend{$node};
-+        # Test the immediate children
-+        return $node if scalar grep {$_ == $target} $node->kids;
-+        # Recurse
-+        my $x;
-+        defined($x = $search->($_)) and return $x for $node->kids;
-+        # Not in this subtree.
-+        $deadend{$node}++;
-+        return undef;
-+   };
-+   my $result;
-+   my $start = $target;
-+   $result = $search->($start) and return $result while $start = $start->next;
-+   return $search->($start);
-+  }
-+  if ($] >= 5.021002) {
-+    eval q[
-+sub B::NULL::kids { }
-+    ];
-+  }
- }
- =item C<< $op->previous >>
diff --git a/perl-Module-Info.spec b/perl-Module-Info.spec
index 0ebb515..79c4b12 100644
--- a/perl-Module-Info.spec
+++ b/perl-Module-Info.spec
@@ -1,35 +1,45 @@
-# Provides/Requires filtering is different from rpm 4.9 onwards
-%global rpm49 %(rpm --version | perl -p -e 's/^.* (\\d+)\\.(\\d+).*/sprintf("%d.%03d",$1,$2) ge 4.009 ? 1 : 0/e')
 Name:           perl-Module-Info
-Version:        0.35
-Release:        7%{?dist}
+Version:        0.37
+Release:        1%{?dist}
 Summary:        Information about Perl modules
 License:        GPL+ or Artistic
 Group:          Development/Libraries
-BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(id -nu)
-# Support native B::OP::parent with 5.21.2 -DPERL_OP_PARENT (CPAN RT#97105)
-# Inspired by B-Utils patches (CPAN RT#100251)
-Patch0:         Module-Info-0.35-Rename-parent-if-native-B-OP-parent-exist.patch
 BuildArch:      noarch
+# Build
+BuildRequires:  make
+BuildRequires:  perl
+BuildRequires:  perl(ExtUtils::MakeMaker) >= 6.76
+BuildRequires:  perl(strict)
+# Runtime
+BuildRequires:  perl(B)
+BuildRequires:  perl(B::Utils) >= 0.27
 BuildRequires:  perl(Carp)
+BuildRequires:  perl(Config)
+BuildRequires:  perl(File::Spec) >= 0.8
+# XXX: BuildRequires:  perl(IPC::Open3)
+BuildRequires:  perl(Safe)
+BuildRequires:  perl(version)
+BuildRequires:  perl(warnings)
+# Tests only
 BuildRequires:  perl(Class::Struct)
-BuildRequires:  perl(Cwd)
-BuildRequires:  perl(File::Spec)
+BuildRequires:  perl(Cwd) >= 1.1.2
+BuildRequires:  perl(Exporter)
 BuildRequires:  perl(lib)
-BuildRequires:  perl(Module::Build)
-BuildRequires:  perl(Safe)
+BuildRequires:  perl(threads)
+BuildRequires:  perl(threads::shared)
+BuildRequires:  perl(vars)
+# Optional tests only
 BuildRequires:  perl(Test::Pod) >= 1.00
 BuildRequires:  perl(Test::Pod::Coverage) >= 1.00
-BuildRequires:  perl(version)
-Requires:       perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "`perl -V:version`"; echo $version))
+Requires:       perl(:MODULE_COMPAT_%(eval "$(perl -V:version)"; echo $version))
+Requires:       perl(File::Spec) >= 0.8
+# XXX: Requires:       perl(IPC::Open3)
 Requires:       perl(Safe)
 Requires:       perl(version)
-# We don't really provide perl(B::Utils)
-%global __provides_exclude ^perl\\(B::Utils\\)
+%global __requires_exclude %{?__requires_exclude:%__requires_exclude|}^perl\\(File::Spec\\)$
 Module::Info gives you information about Perl modules without actually loading
@@ -38,39 +48,30 @@ code.
 %setup -q -n Module-Info-%{version}
-%if 0%(perl -e 'print $] >= 5.022')
-%patch0 -p1
-# We don't really provide perl(B::Utils) [filter for rpm < 4.9]
-%if ! %{rpm49}
-%global provfilt /bin/sh -c "%{__perl_provides} | grep -Ev '^perl\\(B::Utils\\)'"
-%define __perl_provides %{provfilt}
-perl Build.PL installdirs=vendor
+perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor NO_PACKLIST=1
+make %{?_smp_mflags}
-./Build install destdir=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT create_packlist=0
-%{_fixperms} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+make pure_install DESTDIR=%{buildroot}
+%{_fixperms} %{buildroot}/*
-./Build test
+make test
-%doc Changes
+%doc Changes README
+* Thu Nov 12 2015 Petr Ĺ abata <contyk at> - 0.37-1
+- 0.37 bump
+- Modernize the spec, dropping el5 support
 * Thu Jun 18 2015 Fedora Release Engineering <rel-eng at> - 0.35-7
 - Rebuilt for
diff --git a/sources b/sources
index a11a4ab..db85ad4 100644
--- a/sources
+++ b/sources
@@ -1 +1 @@
-83a50f84822237e7d5de88213ac53638  Module-Info-0.35.tar.gz
+72dd1a99bc124a97888cbbedc37993ca  Module-Info-0.37.tar.gz
cgit v0.11.2

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