[Fedora-php-devel-list] Re: php-pear 1.6.1

Tim Jackson lists at timj.co.uk
Mon Jul 16 23:33:35 UTC 2007

Joe Orton wrote:

> On Sun, Jul 15, 2007 at 11:47:16AM +0200, Remi Collet wrote:
>> The solution seems to use (very short resume) :
>>     php install-pear.php *.tgz


> That does seem a lot cleaner than the stuff from PLD which was the other 
> proposal to bootstrap from a .tgz.  But it's still essentially a hack 
> because it relies on using install-pear.php extracted from PEAR CVS :(

True but it's only one file.

> Tim J - did you get anywhere with improving the management of the 
> release .phars upstream?

I got agreement but have not had time to follow through to get exact
instructions/permission. I still can do that but would rather avoid it
if Remi has a reasonably nice solution as it puts another (permanent)
dependency on me.

> If we are resigned to the fact that there will be no traction on that 
> issue upstream then I think we should go with Remi's method described 
> here.  Any dissent?

I haven't actually tried it but it looks smart to me, and solves the
permanent phar problem at a stroke.


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