[Fedora-php-devel-list] ZendOptimizePlus have been Open Sourced

Remi Collet Fedora at FamilleCollet.com
Thu Feb 14 13:44:28 UTC 2013

If you have miss the great news ;)

This very old and closed source opcode cache have been Open Sourced
under the PHP License by Zend company.

So it is already submitted for review https://bugzilla.redhat.com/911111

Upsteam plan to merge it into main php tree

As this RFC is not yet voted / approved, we don't know if it will be
part of php 5.5, 5.6 or simply pecl.

I think it worth having it in fedora, at least for older php version
(php 5.4 in Fedora <= 18 and php 5.3 in EPEL)

Test RPM are already available



But of course a quick review will git it a larger audience ;)

APC could probably be removed (it is in a really poor state, still no
stable version for PHP 5.4) or keep only as a user data cache.


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