[Fedora-php-devel-list] PHP 5.6 change proposal for F21 - Apache configuration

Remi Collet Fedora at FamilleCollet.com
Thu Apr 3 07:35:37 UTC 2014

Another change proposal.

===== /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf =====
=> provided by both php and php-fpm packages

# The following lines prevent .user.ini files from being viewed by Web
<Files ".user.ini">
    Require all denied

# Allow php to handle Multiviews
AddType text/html .php

# Add index.php to the list of files that will be served as directory
# indexes.
DirectoryIndex index.php

# mod_php options
<IfModule  mod_php5.c>
    # Cause the PHP interpreter to handle files with a .php extension.
    <FilesMatch \.php$>
        SetHandler application/x-httpd-php

    # Uncomment the following lines to allow PHP to pretty-print .phps
    # files as PHP source code:
    #<FilesMatch \.phps$>
    #    SetHandler application/x-httpd-php-source

    # Apache specific PHP configuration options
    # those can be override in each configured vhost
    php_value session.save_handler "files"
    php_value session.save_path    "/var/lib/php/session"
    php_value soap.wsdl_cache_dir  "/var/lib/php/wsdlcache"

===== /etc/httpd/conf.d/php-fpm.conf =====
=> provided by php-fpm package

<IfModule !mod_php5.c>
    # Cause the PHP interpreter to handle files with a .php extension.
    <FilesMatch \.php$>
         SetHandler "proxy:fcgi://"

Benefit: web applications could then require Apache AND (php OR php-fpm)
and admin can switch from httpd prefork MPM + mod_php to httpd threaded
MPM (worker or event) + php-fpm.

- except if using http authentication
(ex: phpMyAdmin, which could be easily changed to work with php-fpm)

- if using php_value, php_flag, those directives need to be
conditionalized, and also defined in .user.ini file for php-fpm.

Comments ?


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