Prep support

Paul Nasrat pauln at
Fri Dec 10 13:12:01 UTC 2004

On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 11:08:13AM -0500, Terry Polzin wrote:
> Greetings:
> I have an old 7428-100 1st generation 43P.  Which is believe is PREP and not 
> CHRP.  After downloading the first CD iso image and loop mounting it it 
> appears that there is only a boot image for CHRP machines, is PREP supported, 
> planned or otherwise?

IIRC Mac's are PReP and work.  I don't have any access to old 6k machines, I'm
going to read through the HOWTO and various other docs, take apart the install images, etc: 

and see what would need doing, but it's not my primary concern for the moment.
It also won't happen before next week. Fixing the bits for a smooth Mac
installation comes first.


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