Can't boot Fedora 4 on my Mac (PPC, G4)

Paul Nasrat pnasrat at
Mon Nov 21 18:07:39 UTC 2005

On Sat, 2005-11-19 at 18:03 -0500, Scott Kaplan wrote:
> Paul - Sorry about that, yes, more information would be helpful.
> I have a Mac OSX Webserver (PPC G4 Architecture)
> There are a total of 4 hard drives.
> Before installation I ejected 3 of the 4 drives, because being very
> new to Fedora, I didn't want to overwrite or harm my existing stuff on
> the other drives.  I had to do a text base install (boot: linux
> video=ofonly text) and everything appeared to work correctly until I
> tried to boot.

Can you try to boot the installed yaboot image passing video=ofonly
debug (tab should list available targets).


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