Unable to remap caps-lock in f11

Sefton sefton.h at gmail.com
Mon Aug 3 13:30:21 UTC 2009

Hello fedora-ppc list,

I am looking for some help, pointers on remapping my caps-lock key.

Without any problems I was able to remapped the caps-lock key on my
Powerbook g4 titanium 400mhz in f10 using the gnome keyboard panel but
have not been able to do the same by any means in f11.

I think I have narrowed the cause down to the incorrect keycodes being
sent by the keyboard.

It looks like it is possible the keyboard is an adb keyboard that is
sending incorrect codes and requires a kernel patch to mangle the codes
into recognizable caps-lock codes.


I was wondering if anyone can give me some direction in finding if this
was applied to the kernel in f10 or if another fix was used to allow
remapping of the caps-lock key in f10.

Any help on this much appreciated.



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