Update packages available now for Fedora 16 Alpha on Power

Robert Knight knight at princeton.edu
Wed Nov 16 01:36:50 UTC 2011

I've added the fedora-16-prerelease repo to three ppc systems on which 
I'm experimenting, two p720's and a Mac G5.  Updates went smoothly 
except that the installation of the updated kernel 
(kernel-3.1.0-7.fc16.ppc64) failed with the message

grubby fatal error: unable to find a suitable template

I've chased this down a bit and it appears to me to be a bug in grubby 
(grubby-8.3-1.fc16.ppc64).  Specifically, the code in the routine 
suitableImage builds a string called fullName which does not have a 
slash between the bootPrefix value and the rest of the name, so that the 
check for whether the file is readable fails.

I'm not the first one to have this error message from grubby.


stretches from 2004 to the present, for example.  Since there are a 
large number of cases where grubby issued that error message, they look 
to have accumulated in bug 124246.

There are other places in grubby.c where file names are formed.  I have 
not chased them all down.  I did use a hacked version of grubby which 
correctly forms the vmlinuz file name and I no longer got the grubby 
fatal error message.  It did not produce a yaboot.conf that was usable, 
however.  It was missing the initrd line.    It may be related to


which is still open.

So, my questions are these:

1.  Is there a FAQ that will point me to how to search for bugzilla 
duplicates of these two problems?
2.  Should I just add to the entries with this new information?

and like that.


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