OCaml ppc64 support

David Woodhouse dwmw2 at infradead.org
Wed May 30 18:33:16 UTC 2012

On Wed, 2012-05-30 at 18:19 +0100, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
>   diff -urb asmcomp/power64 asmcomp/power | less
>   diff -urb asmrun/power64-elf.S asmrun/power-elf.S | less
> Note that I did NOT make any functional changes to the ppc64 backend
> when doing this. 

FWIW I did try to keep that delta minimal when I was doing the original
port. I don't think the Darwin ppc64 port existed at the time, so I took
a copy of the ppc32 port (which *is* portable to both OSX and Linux
IIRC, so it's not that hard), and modified it to account for the
differences between ppc32 and ppc64 ABIs.

My original code is in a git tree at 
 git://, http://git.infradead.org/users/dwmw2/ocaml-ppc64.git

If upstream has a ppc64 port now, I'd definitely be looking at merging
with it. Darwin *does* use ELF, so it's fairly much the back end you're
looking for. I imagine you'd just need to port over the asm-agnostic
features of the ppc32 back end (which are probably present in my ppc64
back end because I wouldn't have ripped them out).

That said, this was a number of years ago. Before I did it, I had
completely forgotten everything they ever taught me in University about
ML — and now I believe I have forgotten it all again... ;)

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