GCC 4.8.2 for Fedora-PPC (and for gophers, and for other secondary arches)

Peter Lemenkov lemenkov at gmail.com
Sun Oct 20 09:46:00 UTC 2013

Hello All!
Could someone please build GCC 4.8.2 for f21/rawhide and push in into
mirrors? This could really add a lot of value since this GCC release
declared full support for golang 1.1.2 (almost every popular golang
application requires 1.1.2 now). I already tested it on my x86_64 an
it works great!

I see that David Aquilina built gcc 4.8.2 but only for f19 branch, so
it still not available in PPC-Rawhide:


Also this could be interested for other secondary arches as well, I
suppose - sorry for cross-posting.
With best regards, Peter Lemenkov.

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