qcow2 and raw cloud images for POWER (ppc64/ppc64le)

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at gmail.com
Thu May 14 13:37:27 UTC 2015

Hi All,

So we've got there eventually... this week I've touched, poked,
patched, hacked no less than 6 upstream projects, bothered a few
people for help but I've finally got some experimental cloud images!
It only took around 50 hours over 3 days just this week for the final

The process is still somewhat manual and there's still some patches to
go to the various upstreams, plus some enhancements that will likely
be useful for the F-23 cycle but below there is raw and qcow2 images
for both ppc64 and ppc64le. They should have cloud-init and be more or
less the same as the mainline x86 equivilent images.

I can not emphasise enough how much we need to test these and provide
feedback as they should be considered very Alpha :-)


Thanks goes to Ian McLeod for his assistance and perseverance while
answering all my stupid questions too ;-)


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