Disambiguation of beaker.fedoraproject.org

Tim Flink tflink at redhat.com
Tue Dec 3 23:24:20 UTC 2013

There still seems to be a bit of confusion as to the current state of
the beaker deployment that we've been working on for Fedora.

To improve clarity on the exact state of the current install, I've made
some changes to what was formerly beaker.fedoraproject.org:

 - The beaker server is now available at beaker-dev.fedoraproject.org

 - beaker.fedoraproject.org points to a static html page explaining
   what beaker-dev.fedoraproject.org is, how to reach it and that it is
   currently access restricted while the security issues are dealt with.

I've also enabled SSL with self-signed certs and disallowed non-https
traffic to the beaker server but the previous IP access restrictions
still apply.

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