Notice: Update Phabricator Accounts on qadevel to use FAS Persona

Tim Flink tflink at
Thu Dec 11 20:20:40 UTC 2014

I've been putting this off for a while but it's time to actually do it.

I'm going to disable username/password logins to phabricator when I
update it with the newest build next week. The username/password system
was only meant as a temporary system until we could get FAS auth
working and that's been working well for more than 6 months.

If you've created your account recently, you don't have to worry -
account creation with username/password has been disabled for a while.

To check whether your account is affected or not:
 1. Login to
 2. Click on the "User Settings" icon in the upper right hand corner
    (looks like a wrench and screwdriver)
 3. Click on "External Accounts" under "Authentication" in the list on
    the left hand side
 4. If a box titled "Persona" shows up under "Linked Accounts and
    Authentication", no action is needed. If Persona shows up under
    "Add External Account", continue on to step 5.
 5. Click on the "Persona" listing under "Add External Account"
 6. Log in to the interface that pops up, using
 7. Authenticate against FedOAuth using your FAS password
 8. You will be directed back to Phabricator once authentication is
    successful. Log out and log back in using the button marked "Login
    or Register - Persona" to make sure that your account was
    successfully linked

I have a list of 13 users who have yet to link their accounts to
persona and will be emailing them as a reminder to update their

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