Planning: Beaker

Tim Flink tflink at
Thu Dec 11 20:51:10 UTC 2014

We've been talking about Beaker in Fedora for a while now and while we
do have a deployment available, its functionality is limited by the way
that it's setup. We're currently waiting for an RFE in Beaker which
will fix the biggest problem of log URLs not being resolvable. The
Beaker devs are planning to have this done sometime in January:

There's still a lot of work that would need to be done before we can
offer Beaker as a production service:

- Finish planning out system architecture (network topology, client
  access, isolation etc.)

- Get Beaker systems into infra ansible

- Add the bare metal boxes we've allocated for Beaker to the system

- Add nightly rawhide composes (and eventually branched TC/RC
  composes) to Beaker

- Figure out a way to auth against FAS
  * I've done some poking here but it still needs work to play nice
    with OpenID or Persona.
  * Group integration would be nice but not strictly required for an
    initial deployment

Other tasks that would be nice to eventually have:

- Integration with Taskotron so we can kick off beaker jobs based on
  incoming fedmsgs
  * Install and desktop tests kicked off on compose completion are the
    first things that come to mind
  * Would require some integration work to get results from Beaker into
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