openQA vs. Rawhide

Adam Williamson adamwill at
Tue Jul 7 15:16:51 UTC 2015

Hey, folks. Just to let everyone know, I started looking into why
openQA tests are failing in Rawhide yesterday but got sidetracked
trying to get rid of a bunch of rice weevils in my kitchen. (seriously,
those little buggers are a pain in the rear end).

I'm not sure what's going on with the 'Begin Installation' button
apparently not becoming available in boot.iso , but I know
approximately what's wrong with the live install: the fonts have
somehow changed on some (all?) pages. On the root and user creation
screens at least, the text it's trying to match now looks sufficiently
different (a pixel taller, for one thing) that the match fails. I've
written a new needle for the root screen, but I wanted to try and see
if I could find out what actually happened to cause the text to look
different before we go and create new needles for every text match in
the installer...

also I think the Boston box is on git master branch (of openqa_fedora
and openqa_fedora_tools), not develop, and I think is missing some of
the latest commits. I'm using for my testing,
you can see my jobs there.
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | XMPP: adamw AT happyassassin . net

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