2015-06-01 Fedora QA Devel Meeting Minutes

Josef Skladanka jskladan at redhat.com
Tue Jun 2 09:08:02 UTC 2015

>   * tflink to pester jskladan

Sorry about that, /me misread some old "let's cancel the meeting" email...

ad Testdays:
  The Testday revamp is about half-done, as the process was interrupted by testing spree. I'm all in for 'killing' the old cloud machine, and I think it can be done ASAP.
  The new code will be ready long before the new cycle of Testdays, and it should be deployed by Ansible, as was mentioned during the meeting.

ad git in Phab:
  I tend to agree with kparal - as long as it's quite easy to setup repos, I do not really care, where is the repo hosted - especially if Phab is able to push to remote repos, thus keeping the (IMO) more visible Bitbucket repos up to date.

ad meeting time:
  I'm OK with the current time, I'll just need to be more careful with marking emails as read on my phone *facepalm*


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