tagging for F11 Alpha - what's the plan?

Josh Boyer jwboyer at gmail.com
Wed Jan 21 13:25:53 UTC 2009

On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 10:48:20AM -0800, Jesse Keating wrote:
>On Tue, 2009-01-20 at 13:43 -0500, Bill Nottingham wrote:
>> SSIA.
>Since it's non-blocking, I'd like to only tag things that fix stuff on
>the F11Alpha tracker.  I need to cull that a bit, but basically critical
>to getting Fedora installed, and updated after that.  I'm only really
>aware of one big one which is the inability for nash to mount by uuid or
>label (there is a race here somewhere) that causes many machines to not
>mount / upon reboot.

Ok, so please don't take the following as whining, because I'm not.

The non-blocking freezes are pretty hard for not-day-jobbers to help
with from a rel-eng standpoint.  Most of us in that category probably
don't have the time to be trolling for fixes on the blocker list all
day to selectively tag things.

Also, the whole "wait for two +1" thing is kind of moot in this
scenario, as it really just slows down the people doing the work here.

So during non-blocking freezes, I'm going to personally try and tackle
issues that are somewhat unrelated.  Things like buildroot overrides,
broken dep checks/reports, upgrade path stuffs, etc.  If we ever get
a signing server (which I should stfu about and help create), then we
can have non-day-jobbers help with pushes as well.

I've been out of the rel-eng loop for an entire release, so if I'm
missing something that's changed just smack me and let me know.


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