Updates pain

Seth Vidal skvidal at fedoraproject.org
Mon Jul 6 18:35:04 UTC 2009

On Mon, 6 Jul 2009, Josh Boyer wrote:

> On Mon, Jul 06, 2009 at 01:03:02PM -0500, Jeffrey Ollie wrote:
>> On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 12:53 PM, Josh Boyer<jwboyer at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> So I like deltarpms.  I think they are a win overall.  I would be sad if we
>>> disabled them.  But unless we have some different approach to some part of
>>> the push process or deltarpm creation, I think we're going to have some
>>> difficulties in the not too distant future.
>> Instead of generating the deltarpms at push time, would it be possible
>> to generate the deltarpms as soon as a package is built in koji?  Then
>> all the push script would have to do would be to gather all the bits
>> up and stuff them into place...
> I think that would be possible only if RPM signing was done automatically
> by koji at build time prior to drpm generation.
> Also, it's not clear to me if the koji devs would be thrilled with that
> either.  Particularly since you'd have to change koji to delta against
> different things for a particular tag depending on if you're pre or post GA.
> It's a good idea, and the kind of thinking we need.  If nothing else seems
> like a better candidate, we could try it.

and it is exactly what I suggested at the FAD less than a month ago:

1. autosign pkgs once built
2. delta them against GA and last-update once signed


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