Soliciting feedback on Fedora ARM primary arch proposal

Dennis Gilmore dennis at
Thu Mar 22 18:27:31 UTC 2012

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On Wed, 21 Mar 2012 16:58:03 -0700
Brendan Conoboy <blc at> wrote:

> Hi everybody.
> This Monday FESCo did an initial review of the ARM team's ARM PA
> Feature proposal.  As part of that review, they requested we get in
> touch with affected groups including releng.  While Dennis Gilmore
> has some specific plans in mind and was even involved in creating the
> feature page, I'd like to solicit your (including Dennis) feedback on
> what's been written and what still needs to be written as it pertains
> to release engineering.
> The feature page in question is:
> As you might have already ready on fedora-devel, this is a work in 
> progress and has some known deficits (EG, That multiple-kernel
> koji-flag thing is going away).  We'll keep updating it based on the
> feedback we receive until we have a plan that works for all the
> stakeholders.  If you have some feedback that you haven't already
> shared on fedora-devel, or that you want to share again because it's
> really important and releng related please reply to this message and
> let us know.
> Thanks!

- From my point of view, we need to be able to  take the same inputs,
into the same tools and get the expected outputs. 

So for things like a livesdcard image  we would feed the same spins
kickastart into media-creator and get the raw disk image out,  I really
dont see us making a dvd install equivalant image.  but i do see us
making a boot.iso equivalant. as well as install trees for network
installs. mash today does the right things. 

we need to be able to make the images in koji like we do on x86. we
need a very clear definition of what releng will deliver for QA to
test. Right now i think thats the biggest thing missing, today arm is
producing repos and adhock creating root filesystems. the tooling to
make a delievrable product needs to happen and we need to make sure we
are very clear on what we are delivering and how we deliver it. 

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