
Peter Robinson pbrobinson at gmail.com
Thu Dec 25 11:41:48 UTC 2014

>> This morning I wrote a small script that converts yum's medata into a small json
>> blob that can be used to check if a package is present in RHEL before creating a
>> branch for it in EPEL, or to restrict building the package on EPEL for certain
>> arch.
>> What is does it basically:
>> - For a list of RHEL version
>>   - For a list of directories specific to that RHEL version
>>     - Find all the primary.sqlite database
>>     - Decompress them if needed
>>     - For all the packages listed in the database
>>       - get the base package (using the srpm info)
>>       - get the epoch, version, release (does nothing w/ it atm)
>>       - get the arch - As more arch are found the list grows
>>   - Store of the info in a json
>>   - Dump the json into a text file
> [...snip...]
> There was a question about whether there was any specific Red Hat
> sensitivity.  I haven't found any reason against using this kind of
> script. Go for it.

How do we deal with additions of new packages in later RHEL releases?
EG there's a number of new packages that are in 7.1 beta (and hence
will be in 7.1 GA) that are now public.


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