Proposal: Fedora 21+ image naming scheme

Andre Robatino robatino at
Wed Sep 3 13:40:12 UTC 2014

This is a reply to
. (Sorry, but there appears to be no Gmane interface to this mailing
list, and I just subscribed to the list, so I don't have the original


Is there a reason the order of the name components couldn't be more
similar to the download directory structure? For example, old pungi
images were named like Fedora-20-i386-DVD.iso, corresponding to
$VERSION/$ARCH (and $IMAGETYPE comes last since both of these, DVD and
netinst, are in the same dir). So, in
, instead of Fedora-Workstation-netinst-i386-21-Alpha-TC5.iso, what
about Fedora-21-Alpha-TC5-Workstation-i386-netinst.iso? This is
basically the same as the old naming in the case of install images
(except for the new $PRODUCT field).

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