Proposal: Fedora 21+ image naming scheme

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Wed Sep 3 19:26:05 UTC 2014

On Wed, Sep 03, 2014 at 02:49:18PM -0400, Andre Robatino wrote:
> >> How about Fedora-Workstation-21-Alpha-TC5-i386-netinst.iso? Same as
> >> the download directory order, except for the placement of the $PRODUCT
> >> field, and essentially the same as the old naming order, so less
> >> confusing to users.
> > You're still not answering the question why we should change it.
> I thought I just did (less confusion for users) but in any case, you
> said that you basically just implemented Adam's proposal (with minimal
> input) so I'd like to hear what he thinks about it. (I sent him a link
> to my original message on IRC so he should be responding when he has time.)

I think this is mostly a bikeshed-painting kind of discussion -- I don't see
a huge problem of confusion, and there are dozens of possible ways all with
slight pros and cons, so it mostly comes down to picking one.

Matthew Miller
<mattdm at>
Fedora Project Leader

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