Welcome everyone

Chris Smart chris at kororaa.org
Fri Dec 31 14:06:42 UTC 2010

On Fri, Dec 31, 2010 at 7:38 PM, Rahul Sundaram <metherid at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Happy new year to you all.    This is the place for getting help on
> creating any new Fedora Remixes or collaborate with one.   I am Rahul
> Sundaram, a long term Fedora contributor from India.
Hi Rahul, and thanks for setting up this list.

I'm Chris Smart and I've done a few Linux things over the years. Recently I
re-launched my distro, Kororaa, as a Fedora Remix. It used to be based on
Gentoo and back in the day created the world's first Live CD showcasing XGL
3D desktop stuff. I also created a pro-free software site,
http://makethemove.net and my personal Linux/technical blog is at

I've always liked Fedora (I always keenly tried every new release), but
could never stick it out. Almost 2 years ago I forced myself to stick with
Fedora for 3 months and since doing that, I've never looked back :-) Rahul
has helped me out with quite a few things I had to get used to, over this

So now I want to use Kororaa to give back to the Fedora community and
hopefully attract some new users and contributors. I'd also like to use this
opportunity to learn some RPM packaging skills and probably some more

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