[Fedora Robotics] Player 3.0.0 packages

Tim Niemueller tim at niemueller.de
Fri Nov 6 23:54:40 UTC 2009

Hi all.

The Player 3.0.0 packages have been committed, built (for F-11, F-12 and
F-13), and submitted to update-testing for F-11, go have a look.

Based on input of the recent thread the config files are still in
/etc/player. Arguments for and against it weighing out pretty even my
reasoning is that anywhere in /etc is where most people will start
looking for config files, even if they are meant to be templates, and
especially if they used the Player 2 package already. After all, the
Apache config for example is also a giant template for your stuff...

The package does not build for the devel branch (F-13) at the moment
(cf. https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=140037). See
the build.log of the failed tasks. It says it cannot find boost_thread
while boost-devel is included in the BuildRequires (and according to
root.log it's installed just fine). Need to have a closer look what the
problem is, suggestions welcome.

Rich: sorry, took longer for time constraint reasons to get the stuff
pushed. How are your review requests/sponsoring doing?


    Tim Niemueller <tim at niemueller.de>      www.niemueller.de
 Imagination is more important than knowledge. (Albert Einstein)

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