[Fedora Robotics] What is qualified as "Packages related to Robotics"?!

Hedayat Vatankhah hedayatv at gmail.com
Fri Nov 5 12:30:22 UTC 2010

  Hi all,
I was reading a page about some software useful in robotics, and I found 
that there are many software available in Fedora which are not listed in 
our SIG page. Well, they are not robotics specific but are useful in 
robotics. Examples include: OpenCV, CMU Sphinx and Festival. We should 
certainly consider such software for our Robotics Spin, but I wonder if 
we should also include such software in our WiKi page or not. Or in the 
other way, if proposals for packaging such software should land on our 
wiki (e.g. Julius speech recognition engine at [1]).

What's your opinion?

[1] http://julius.sourceforge.jp/en_index.php

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