[Fedora Robotics] What is qualified as "Packages related to Robotics"?!

Rich Mattes richmattes at gmail.com
Mon Nov 8 23:17:02 UTC 2010

On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 8:23 AM, Hedayat Vatankhah <hedayatv at gmail.com>wrote:

>  Hi all,
> I was reading a page about some software useful in robotics, and I found
> that there are many software available in Fedora which are not listed in
> our SIG page. Well, they are not robotics specific but are useful in
> robotics. Examples include: OpenCV, CMU Sphinx and Festival. We should
> certainly consider such software for our Robotics Spin, but I wonder if
> we should also include such software in our WiKi page or not. Or in the
> other way, if proposals for packaging such software should land on our
> wiki (e.g. Julius speech recognition engine at [1]).
> What's your opinion?
> [1] http://julius.sourceforge.jp/en_index.php


I agree, right now our wiki page is just an organizational landing point for
SIG members.  I'd like to see a separate place where we can showcase the
robotics technologies available in Fedora.  I've been looking at other SIG
pages, most of them treat their wiki pages the same way we do now
(organizational stuff, review wishlists, reviews in progress, member lists,

Perhaps we could make fedoraproject.org/wiki/Robotics into a landing page
showing off the technologies available in Fedora, with screenshots of
Player, Stage, Fawkes, RoboCup, etc. in action.  We could probably organize
it into Frameworks (player, fawkes rccsserver), Simulators (stage,
gazebo[eventually] rcsssimulator3d),  Development Environments (Arduino),
and Libraries (Gearbox, URG, OpenCV, etc.).  We could also provide links to
each package in pkgdb, etc.  fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Robotics would be
changed to contain the organizational stuff that's at wiki/Robotics, and
we'd provide a link to it from the main Robotics page.

We could also try to get a cool looking Fedora Robotics banner made like the
one in [1] (maybe talk to the design team?) and provide links to learning
resources for each package/framework/etc.

I think the ultimate goal is to have a really nice Spins page like [2], but
for now I don't see why we can't make a nice presence on the wiki.

As far as packaging proposals (i.e. Julius), I think we kind of have that in
place now in the "Interesting Pacakges Proposed for Packaging" section.
 Perhaps we could consolidate all of those sections into just "Wishlist,"
"In Progress," "Complete," and "Won't Package" sections.  It might be more
straightforward that way.


[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Education
[2] http://spins.fedoraproject.org/fel/#portfolio
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