[Fedora Robotics] pending updates

Rich Mattes richmattes at gmail.com
Tue Apr 29 00:11:30 UTC 2014

On 04/28/2014 03:25 PM, Rich Mattes wrote:
> I agree that this is the best way to do things.  The updates in 
> question (which I edited out of the reply sent to the list) were all 
> submitted by different people at different times:
> Packages:
> - python-bloom
> - python-catkin_lint
> - python-catkin_pkg
> - python-rosdep
> - python-rospkg
> - pretty much all of the ROS packages on el6
> I think that we can push all of those updates today if they haven't 
> been pushed already, except for the el6 ones which I'll do tomorrow.  
> I'll take care of it in a couple of hours if nobody beats me to it.
> From here on out we can provide a heads-up on this list one of us 
> plans on doing a large block of updates so that we can all coordinate 
> our efforts and try to group bodhi requests better.

I just finished pushing all of the f20 and f19 updates in the above list 
to stable.  I'll do the el6 ones tomorrow.


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