[Fedora Robotics] Gazebo updates

Jose Luis Rivero jrivero at osrfoundation.org
Wed Oct 1 00:08:23 UTC 2014

On 30/09/14 17:13, Rich Mattes wrote:
> Hi all,
> Over the weekend I updated the version of Gazebo in fedora 20, 21 and
> rawhide to 3.1.0 (the latest in the 3.x series of releases.)  This
> involved bumping sdformat to 2.0.1, which involved bumping urdfdom and
> urdfdom-headers to the 0.3.0 release.  These updates are sitting in
> updates-testing at the moment, please let me know if there are any problems.
> I plan to keep fedora 20 and 21 on the 3.x series of releases, and start
> updating rawhide (f22) to gazebo 4.0.2.  I'd be OK with trying to push
> 4.0 into f21 before release so that it's what gets included on the f21
> livedvd, as long as ROS indigo plays nice with it.

These are really good news, Rich, thanks.

As usual, let us know if you have any problem while packing gazebo for

Jose Luis Rivero <jrivero at osrfoundation.org>

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