rubygem based rawhide packages stats on 2009-12-21

Mamoru Tasaka mtasaka at
Mon Dec 21 19:15:45 UTC 2009

Hello, all. This is the first post to this mailing list from me.

Among rubygem related rawhide packages on Fedora, the following
packages are not using the latest gems provided by the upstream.
Please consider to update these.

Note that only rpms based on gems hosted on
are reported in this mail.

Owner           srpm                           latest       Fedora                        

hpejakle        rubygem-coderay                0.8.357      0.8.312-4.fc12                
hpejakle        rubygem-term-ansicolor         1.0.4        1.0.3-4.fc12                  
kanarip         rubygem-facets                 2.8.0        2.5.1-2.fc12                  
kanarip         rubygem-fattr                  2.1.0        1.0.3-3.fc12                  
kanarip         rubygem-git                    1.2.5        1.2.4-1.fc13                  
kanarip         rubygem-highline               1.5.1        1.5.0-2.fc12                  
kanarip         rubygem-main                   4.2.0        4.0.0-1.fc13                  
kanarip         rubygem-mocha                  0.9.8        0.9.7-2.fc12                  
kanarip         rubygem-picnic             0.8.1-2.fc12                  
kanarip         rubygem-restr                  0.5.2        0.5.0-2.fc12                  
kanarip         rubygem-reststop               0.4.1        0.4.0-2.fc12                  
kanarip         rubygem-sqlite3-ruby           1.2.5        1.2.4-5.fc12                  
laxathom        rubygem-json                   1.2.0        1.1.9-1.fc13                  
lkundrak        rubygem-configuration          1.1.0        0.0.5-4.fc12                  
lkundrak        rubygem-cucumber               0.5.1        0.4.0-1.fc13                  
lkundrak        rubygem-polyglot               0.2.9        0.2.5-4.fc12                  
lkundrak        rubygem-rack-test              0.5.3        0.4.0-2.fc12                  
lkundrak        rubygem-treetop                1.4.3        1.3.0-1.fc12                  
lutter          rubygem-actionmailer           2.3.5        2.3.4-2.fc13                  
lutter          rubygem-actionpack             2.3.5        2.3.4-2.fc13                  
lutter          rubygem-activerecord           2.3.5        2.3.4-2.fc13                  
lutter          rubygem-activeresource         2.3.5        2.3.4-2.fc13                  
lutter          rubygem-activesupport          2.3.5        2.3.4-2.fc13                  
lutter          rubygem-rails                  2.3.5        2.3.4-2.fc13                  
mcpierce        rubygem-RedCloth               4.2.2        4.1.9-7.fc12                  
mcpierce        rubygem-activeldap             1.2.1        1.2.0-4.fc13                  
mcpierce        rubygem-hoe                    2.4.0        2.3.3-1.fc12                  
mcpierce        rubygem-rubyforge              2.0.3        1.0.5-1.fc12                  
mcpierce        rubygem-rufus-scheduler        2.0.3        2.0.1-3.fc12                  
mkent           rubygem-RubyInline             3.8.4        3.8.3-4.fc13                  
mkent           rubygem-ZenTest                4.2.1        4.1.4-3.fc13                  
mkent           rubygem-extlib                 0.9.14       0.9.13-5.fc13                 
stahnma         rubygem-simple-rss             1.2.2        1.1-6.fc12                    
wakko666        rubygem-pathname2              1.6.3        1.6.2-6.fc13                  

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