The Ruby World Domination Plan

Ben Shakal ben at
Fri Dec 25 00:07:17 UTC 2009

On Dec 24, 2009, at 4:02 , Jeroen van Meeuwen wrote:
> # gem install facter
> installs facter to /usr/local/share/ruby/gems/facter-<version>, along
> with the facter.gemspec in /usr/local/share/ruby/specifications/ and so
> forth, but facter itself won't work.

I mentioned this in an off-list message to Jeroen (just joined the list now, hello everyone!), but I think the issue comes down to the fact that gem_prelude.rb's implementation of Gem.default_dir doesn't match the implementation in lib/rubygems/defaults.rb.  (The latter is the full rubygems 1.3.1 version that ships within ruby 1.9.1.)  To me it looks like an upstream bug; I can't imagine why they should be implemented so differently.  With default MRI paths, they both return (approximately?) the same results, but with this new structure they don't match.  In particular, gem_prelude's version returns a nonsensical path.

You can compare the two versions by simply doing this, in a fresh irb instance:

# the gem_prelude.rb version
>> Gem.default_dir
=> "/usr/lib64/ruby-1.9.1/gems"

# trigger method_missing to swap in the full/real rubygems
>> Gem.asdf
NoMethodError: undefined method `asdf' for Gem:Module
	from <internal:gem_prelude>:341:in `method_missing'
	from (irb):2
	from /usr/bin/irb-1.9.1:12:in `<main>'

# the lib/rubygems/defaults.rb version
>> Gem.default_dir
=> "/usr/local/share/ruby/"

I believe the noisy strace you are seeing is simply ruby's usual Kernel.require process of searching the whole load path.  When I modified gem_prelude.rb so that its default_dir agreed with rubygems', suddenly everything else started working too.  E.g. "require 'facter'" works for me now, in a fresh irb instance.

I piggybacked my change onto the patch you've already included in your RPM, since you were already tweaking gem_prelude.rb.  Patch-to-your-patch attached (same one I emailed directly earlier).

Like I said before though, I think there's an upstream bug here too...  why do the default_dir methods work so differently?


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