ruby-graphviz rpm vs gem

Mohammed Morsi mmorsi at
Thu Aug 12 14:38:40 UTC 2010

  On 08/10/2010 02:11 PM, Guillermo Gómez wrote:
> I have doubt here... i guess both are different sw... but look...
> [1] yum install graphviz-ruby
> vs
> [2] gem install ruby-graphviz
> should i start packaging the 2nd, what about the first? (confused)

If I'm understanding it correctly, it seems that the upstream graphviz 
source provides some wrappers for various languages, including ruby

Where as the ruby-graphviz gem provides a pure-ruby implementation of 
some of this functionality (the specifics of which I'm not sure)

> This appeared on adopting rubygem-state_machine (testing it):
> $ ruby unit/state_test.rb
> Skipping GraphViz StateMachine::State tests. `gem install ruby-graphviz`
>   >= v0.9.0 and try again.
> ...
> Then i tried the existing rpm [1] without luck for state_machine, the i
> tried the gem version [2], which fixes the output warning.
I imagine rubygem-state_machine depends on the ruby-graphiz modules and 
api, or if it doesn't it at least has a gem dependency listed for that.

Most likely the best way to proceed is to package the 
rubygem-ruby-graphviz dependency, or perhaps you can get away with 
patching state_machine to work against graphviz-ruby (though this is 
less desirable incase of API discrepancies).


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