More passenger

David Lutterkort lutter at
Fri Jul 23 05:35:01 UTC 2010


intrigued (for lack of a better word) by the state of the review of
mod_passenger (BZ 470696) I spent a little time reviving Jeroen's spec
file and bringing it up to date for passenger 2.2.15. Updated spec and a
probably braindead mod_passenger.conf attached (sadly, the passenger
SRPM seems to have vanished from Jeroen's site).

As I see it, there's three issues with the spec right now:

      * the stance of upstream on using a stock boost. I think if we
        ever want to have passenger in Fedora, somebody with the spare
        time will need to browbeat^W handhold upstream to send their
        patches upstream
      * the scripts installed into /usr/bin (passenger-status etc.) are
        broken since they expect to be executed from the gemdir. We need
        to add wrapper scripts similar to what 'gem install' to /usr/bin
      * passenger is horribly broken with SELinux. I tried following the
        instructions from the Passenger manual[1] and somebody's SELinux
        policy[2] to no avail; passenger can not create its socket with
        that. Some of the instructions in [1] sound odd, like doing
        'chcon -R httpd_sys_content_t' on the gemdir

I doubt I have the time to work much more on this, thought I'll document
what I did for posterity's sake.


-------------- next part --------------
LoadModule passenger_module modules/
PassengerRoot /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/passenger-2.2.15
PassengerRuby /usr/bin/ruby
-------------- next part --------------
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