Puppet storeconfigs and activerecord in EPEL5

Michael Stahnke mastahnke at gmail.com
Fri May 28 20:43:49 UTC 2010

I started making rails23 packages (and all the deps) but then ran into
a question.  If rubygems natively lets you install multiple gem
versions, should we allow that with RPMS?  The only conflicts are in
the /usr/bin directory and those normally contains ruby scripts to
help find the proper gem version.  Originally I was making rails and
rack conflict with the older versions (these are rubygem-rails23 and
rubygem-rack1), but I am not certain that is the best approach?


I have my work thus far up on my fedora people.  Keep in mind that
this will be for EPEL5 only, as RHEL6 has rails.  I'm open to any
feedback before I submit reviews.



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