Packaging rack-based applications for Fedora

Michal Fojtik mfojtik at
Tue Feb 15 11:56:48 UTC 2011

On 15/02/11 20:49 +0900, Mamoru Tasaka wrote:
>Michal Fojtik wrote, at 02/11/2011 01:12 AM +9:00:
>> Hi,
>> I want to ask if there are any policies or guidelines for packaging
>> 'rack-based' (Sinatra/Rails/..) projects for Fedora.
>> Since I started packaging Deltacloud API (Sinatra app) I got into
>> situlation that I want to install it as a gem and then run it by
>> 'deltacloudd' command (will basically spawn thin).
>> * Should be they marked as a 'rubygem-*'?
>> My opinion is *no*, because they will not provide 'gem' functionality,
>> since they are not 'libraries'.
>Just noting that my "rubygem based rawhide packages stats" [1] script
>is assuming that these srpms are named as rubygem-foo (and the base gem file
>is uploaded on It is simple that
>if the pkgs is created basing on gem file, we simply name it as rubygem-foo.
>You can add "Provides: deltacloudd = foo" or even create empty subpackage
>if you want.

I like the approach with empty subpackage, since we are not an library nor
offering any library functionality, but we depend on Ruby libraries.
Can this subpackage ship init scripts and configuration files for Fedora?

Maybe it will worth to do some guideline, or edit guidelines Wiki and
mention this thread there for future packages based on Rack (eg. Redmine or
other Sinatra projects, etc.)

   -- Michal

>[1] like:
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Michal Fojtik, mfojtik at
Deltacloud API:

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