check task for rubygems without bundled test

Mohammed Morsi mmorsi at
Wed Jan 19 16:00:15 UTC 2011

  Couple of comments.

On 01/19/2011 10:45 AM, Vít Ondruch wrote:
> Hello,
> Currently I am dealing with several rubygems (arel, regin) that do not
> contain bundled their test suites, although the test suite is usually
> available on GitHub. It would be nice to run the test suite during
> packaging, however I am reluctant to modify the package in that way that
> it will include the test suite.
> So here is my proposal:
> # Preparation of the test suite
> # git clone
> # cd somegem/
> # tar czvf somegem-tests.tgz spec/
> Source1: some-tests.tgz

This looks good save the fact that you will always get the tests in the 
lastest upstream HEAD with these commands. Often times projects hosted 
on github or managed via git in general will tag their releases so you 
can checkout the specific version of the test suite which you need. If 
the release isn't tagged you will have to find the commit which 
corresponds to the released gem anyways.

To checkout a specific tag or commit, simple run the following command 
between your "cd somegem/" and "tar czvf..." commands above

git checkout <tag-or-commit-id>

> %check
> mkdir %{_tmppath}/%{gemname}-%{version}
> tar xzvf %{SOURCE1} -C %{_tmppath}/%{gemname}-%{version}
> pushd %{_tmppath}/%{gemname}-%{version}
> ruby -I%{buildroot}%{geminstdir}/lib `which spec` spec
> popd
> rm -rf %{_tmppath}/%{gemname}-%{version}
> What is your opinion?
> Vit

Its not a bad idea to extract the test source in the %prep or %install 
sections and leave it around, marking it as %doc in the %files section 
(or putting it in the docs subpackage). If you're running gem install in 
the %prep section, add the following to that section

tar xzvf %{SOURCE1} -C .%{geminstdir}

This is how we're doing it in the activesupport rpm (and all other rails 
rpms starting w/ 3.0.3)

As always, additional thoughts and improvements are welcome.


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