Rails 3.1 for F16

Mo Morsi mmorsi at redhat.com
Wed Jun 15 17:28:40 UTC 2011

On 06/14/2011 02:06 AM, Vít Ondruch wrote:
> We should probably submit Rails 3.1 as a feature for F16. Any volunteer? 
> I am volunteering to do the packaging as soon as the stable version gets 
> released.

Hrm the stable rails 3.1 version is expected to be released in a little
over a week unless there are any setbacks [1]

Here's the thing, I feel that most upstream communities are slowly
pushing towards migrating from Rails 2.3.x to 3.0.x. I have heard almost
nothing about Rails 3.1.x in production as of now (as is expected since
it hasn't been released).

So it might make sense to hold off on the update to 3.1 until we see
more upstream projects starting to adopt it and give feedback. Of course
we can always go the 'bleeding edge' route to be able to say we are one
of the first platforms to perform that update, but we already can say
that with our current Rails 3.0.x stack, and it might make sense to
stabilize around that a bit before updating further.

Of course if there are no incompatibilities, this probably won't be a
big deal, but I'm not sure if this is the case (the Rails community does
seem to be getting better at this). Again things also may only be
discovered as more upstream users start using Rails 3.1 in their own
projects.  Looking at the changelogs [2][3][4][5][6], there are things
that at first glance could lead to issues:

* ActiveSupport::Dependencies now raises NameError if it finds an
existing constant in load_missing_constant.

*  PostgreSQL adapter only supports PostgreSQL version 8.2 and higher.

* It is prohibited to perform a in-place SafeBuffer mutation (actionpack)

* Rely on Rack::Session stores API for more compatibility across the
Ruby world. This is backwards incompatible since Rack::Session expects
#get_session to accept 4 arguments and requires #destroy_session instead
of simply #destroy. (actionpack)

* The default format has been changed to JSON for all requests. If you
want to continue to use XML you will need to set `self.format = :xml` in
the class (activeresource)

*  jQuery is no longer vendored, it is provided from now on by the
jquery-rails gem. (railties)

Some of these may not be an issue, but others warrant looking into
before we update.


[2] https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/master/activesupport/CHANGELOG
[3] https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/master/activerecord/CHANGELOG
[4] https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/master/actionpack/CHANGELOG
[5] https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/master/activeresource/CHANGELOG
[6] https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/master/railties/CHANGELOG
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