New Ruby packaging guidelines progress

Bohuslav Kabrda bkabrda at
Mon Apr 2 07:44:04 UTC 2012

Hi guys,
here is a sumup of the last 2-hour FPC meeting, that me and Mo have attended:
- Virtual provides are going to be killed completely (e.g. new packages will now depend on ruby-foo or rubygem-foo, rather than on ruby(foo) or rubygem(foo); no provides will be therefore necessary, as the package name is enough for this).
- There has been some discussion about placement of Rubygems (/usr/share/rubygems) and that Toshio doesn't like that, because it's special casing. We didn't have enough time to solve that, so it's a matter for other discussion, that I have started on packaging list [1]. I have summed up some arguments why things should stay the way they currently are and I'm waiting for Toshio's answer. This seems to be the last blocker (I hope) of the new guidelines.

I would really appreciate if as many of you as possible could join the discussion there and bring in some more arguments, so that we can persuade FPC that this is the right approach.
Thank you and special thanks goes to Mo for showing up on the FPC meeting.

Bohuslav "Slavek" Kabrda.


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