Enhancing isitfedoraruby

Achilleas Pipinellis axilleaspi at ymail.com
Thu Apr 17 13:41:29 UTC 2014

Hey guys!

I meant to send this mail some time ago, but somehow stuck in my drafts
folder :\

I guess most of you know http://isitfedoraruby.com more or less.

I had a conversation with Mo and Vit about this app and how we
could add some new features to make it more appealing and handy to
packagers. Below are some of my thoughts of enhancement, any feedback is

- Write tests: Not exactly an app feature, but it should help in future

- Gemfile tool [0]: Currently it does't have a handy output. I'd like to
see the versions in a table format and be able to extract more data,
like json files.

- Dependency checker: Currently we can see the dependencies of a gem [1]
in a format not very representational IMO. I had in mind making it look
like more or less with gemlou.pe [2].

- Package Status: Be it a gem or an app, it would be cool to have
something to show about their packaging progress. Debian gitlab
packagers, have set up a simple static page [3] showing the progress of
its packaging. It is really cool and it comes close to what I have in
mind :)

- UI/UX fixes: I have found some glitches that I would like to work on,
such as make optimizations on UI for small screens, etc.

- Many other stuff...

Also, I proposed this idea as a GSoC project [4]. If it gets chosen I'll
work on it full throttle :p
If not I'll be working on my free time :) Either way I think we could
make good use of these changes!


[0] http://www.isitfedoraruby.com/stats/gemfile_tool
[1] http://www.isitfedoraruby.com/fedorarpms/rubygem-Ascii85/full_deps
[2] https://www.gemlou.pe/loupes/devise/versions/2.2.3
[3] http://people.debian.org/~praveen/diasbar/

FAS : axilleas
GPG : 0xABF99BE5
Blog: http://axilleas.me

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