Update status on isitifedoraruby

Achilleas Pipinellis axilleaspi at ymail.com
Tue Jul 8 18:00:32 UTC 2014

Hey there, I thought some of you might want to check how the refactoring
of isitfedoraruby goes. Here's a short changelog for the previous month.

- Remove unused code (sorry Mo...)
  - Remove HistoricalGems model
  - Remove Build controller/view
  - Remove methods related to local spec/gem downloading
  - Remove empty helpers
  - Cleaned routes, removed unused ones
- Conform to ruby/rails style guide, ~500 errors/warnings fixed
- Maintainer field for packages is now using the fas_name
- Automatically fetch versions of Fedora by querying the pkgdb api
  - Addded rake task to fetch rawhide version and store it in a file locally
- Show koji builds from supported Fedora versions only
- Bugs
  - Query bugs via api using pkgwat
  - Show only open Fedora bugs, exclude EPEL ones
    - Drop `is_open` from bugs table
- Hover over links to see full titles when truncated eg. bugs (to be pushed)
- Rename builds table to koji_builds for clarity
- Added tests
  - Unit tests for models (not yet finished, integration tests to be added)
- Added Github services
  - travis-ci
  - hound-ci
  - coveralls
  - gemnasium
- Development tools
  - shoulda-matchers
  - rspec
  - capybara
  - rack-mini-profiler
  - rubocop
  - factory_girl
  - annotate
  - railsroady

I will include this changelog in the app and update it whenever I make a
change worth noted. Also it would be fun if there were versions, so I
added a v0.9.0 to the changelog :p By the end of the summer I hope to
get on releasing 1.0 :)

A testing instance can be found at [0].
Please report any bugs/feature requests at github [1].

Plans to do from now on:

- Deploy on opeshift
- Refactor rake tasks (see [2])
- Use api calls wherever possible
- Work on additional features
  - dependency checker
  - gemfile tool
  - packaging progress of a gem
- UI refactor: I kinda hate how it looks like a common bootstrap theme
:p I have a lot of ideas on how to make it appealing, but I know little
of design/css/js so I'll take my time. I'm seriously considering
switching to foundation[3] though which is more straightforward than
- Documentation on
  - contributing
  - deploying
  - testing
  - using rake tasks

There are probably many things I miss now, I'll keep you posted. Thanks
for reading :)

[0] http://fedoraruby.axilleas.me
[1] https://github.com/axilleas/isitfedoraruby/issues
[2] https://github.com/axilleas/isitfedoraruby/issues/13
[3] https://github.com/zurb/foundation-rails

FAS : axilleas
GPG : 0xABF99BE5
Blog: http://axilleas.me

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