Update status on isitifedoraruby

Achilleas Pipinellis axilleaspi at ymail.com
Wed Jul 23 14:37:19 UTC 2014

Hello there!

Nothing much done previous week due to busy schedule, BUT the last two
days I worked on getting fedoraruby a little prettier :)

No more lengthy pages with 4 tables, no more huge fonts. I used the same
font as pkgdb and tried to be as blueish close to Fedora's colors as
possible. Hope you like it. It was my first time to play with bootstrap
and it was fun :)

There are more to be done, so if you have a request or you see something
you don't like, do shout out!

Visit the new look at http://fedoraruby.axilleas.me/

I will work tomorrow on setting this to openshift and gradually update
the official url at http://www.isitfedoraruby.com/

FAS : axilleas
GPG : 0xABF99BE5
Blog: http://axilleas.me

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