Ruby 2.2, Rails 4.2 - Koji build target

Mamoru TASAKA mtasaka at
Thu Jan 15 00:52:04 UTC 2015

Mamoru TASAKA wrote on 01/14/2015 10:32 PM:
> Vít Ondruch wrote on 01/14/2015 08:55 PM:
>> Dne 14.1.2015 v 12:54 Vít Ondruch napsal(a):
>>> Dne 14.1.2015 v 12:10 Mamoru TASAKA napsal(a):
>>>> Vít Ondruch wrote on 01/14/2015 05:39 PM:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> In preparation for Ruby 2.2 [1] and rebuild of packages with binary
>>>>> extensions, I asked for Koji build target in advance [2] and it is
>>>>> already prepared. So given that FESCo approve the Ruby 2.2 change, I'll
>>>>> start with packages rebuild tomorrow. As soon as Ruby 2.2 is there, I'll
>>>>> appreciate if you can rebuild your packages with binary extensions
>>>>> against it.
>>>>> Also, Josef proposed Ruby on Rails 4.2 change for F22 [3].
>>>>> Unfortunately, with current schedule, I am afraid we cannot make it on
>>>>> time. Is there any volunteer, who could help us with this task?
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> Vít
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> [2]
>>>>> [3]
>>>> The current largest concern is about the status of -fpie
>>>> If this feature gets approved, perhaps we have to wait redhat-rpm-config
>>>> change, and do some adjustment with whole disto mass rebuild (as you
>>>> already
>>>> said on
>>>> )
>>>> Perhaps tomorrow the situation will become somewhat clear, however anyway
>>>> this time the schedule is very tight.
>>> You are right unfortunately. Will see.
>>> Nevertheless, I should probably build the Ruby package anyway, since it
>>> will allow others to do at least scratch builds to verify that they are
>>> ready (assuming that -fpie will not cause additional headache).
>> Eh, GCC5 change was announced right now :))
> Oh... well, then first at least I will prepare for ruby22 locally and
> see how schedule goes.

OK, now
- ruby22 is accepted for F-22
- -fpie change won't happen on F-22 (may happen on F-23)
- gcc5 may land on F-22 but mass rebuild won't happen on F-22
   (mass rebuild for gcc5 will happen on F-23)

So let's go for ruby22 rebuild.


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